Health professionals
Can help their patients become wise health consumers and take better care of themselves. That’s where womenshealth comes in. Here, you will find up-to-date health information.
Diseases and conditions
Talk to my doctor about getting my cholesterol checked if have a family history of heart problems. Talk to my doctor about getting screened for hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
Reproductive health
Talk to your doctor about whether I plan to have children in the next year. Talk to your doctor about my risk for sexually transmitted infections and need for screening.
General Health
Get an annual well-woman visit.| Get my blood pressure checked. Eat healthy.| Maintain a healthy weight. Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days. Quit smoking or don’t…
Media and Health
Entertainment media can play an important positive role in educating the public about signifi cant health issues.
Definition of Physical and Mental Health
Regular exercise and physical activity are important to the physical and mental health. Regular exercise and physical activity are important to the physical and mental health. Regular exercise and physical…
Blood Pressure : What is normal blood pressure?
The ideal blood pressure for people wishing to have good health. At this level, we have a much lower risk of heart disease or stroke.
Keep your weight with the glycemic index
Lowering the amount of refined carbohydrates in the diet is a better strategy for controlling weight than cutting out fat. A good way to manage carbs is with the glycemic…
A preventive medical test
Men are 24 percent less likely than women to have visited a doctor within the past year. Men are 28 percent more likely than women to be hospitalized for congestive…
15 Ways to Stay On Top of Your Game.
Smile to Impress | Pursue Goals With Passion | Focus on the Bright Side | Get a Move On | Mind Your Manners Keep It Clean | Smell Good |…